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Happy Mother's Day

This mother's day marks the beginning of a completely new tradition.

In years past, my family and I would get together and have brunch at Black Market Bistro or cook up a delicious Spanish late lunch. The years that I was abroad, I would call home wishing my Carmencita a happy mother's day, making sure that Jose and Daniel were treating her to an amazing mother's day. A few years ago we started the tradition of gardening the day away. Years ago when I was younger, my brother and I would wake up early and make her breakfast in bed-- a random assortment of foods carefully brought to her on a tray that she would happily eat, with our help of course.

This year is different. The duality of time never ceases to amaze me, how it can simultaneously feel so long and so short. It has been 133 days since you left us. Those 133 days feel like so long ago, so long since I heard your voice, felt your touch, saw you. Sometimes it feels like you are slipping away, like I can't remember so many little things about you and memories of times past. At the same time, there are some things I remember as if they just happened.

But today is about celebration--a celebration of the amazing woman who brought me into this world, who selflessly cared for me, my family, and so many others, who taught me the meaning of strength, beauty, courage, and love. So today mom,  I celebrate you and everything you have been, are, and will always be. Te quiero mucho tesoro. <8


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